Energy Tips

Selecting an Electric Plan in Ohio: A Guide

Guide to choosing an electric supplier in Ohio.

6 Easy Steps to Choose a Plan and Change Your Energy Supplier

Homeowners and businesses in Energy Choice states, such as Ohio, understand that they can compare electricity rates. However, they often feel uncertain about how to select the best energy plan or switch suppliers. They may also question the importance of comparing energy rates and the reasons for considering a new plan in the first place.

At APG&E, our aim is to assist customers in understanding Energy Choice, which is why we've created this straightforward six-step guide.

Step 1: Understand Your Current Budget

Begin by assessing your existing energy budget. Knowing your expenses for electricity and natural gas, along with how these rates are established, will enable you to make better comparisons when exploring different plans.

Billing for energy usage in households and businesses is typically measured in one of three ways:

  • Overall Usage
    Electric meters track the amount of electricity or gas consumed, recorded in kilowatt hours (kWh) for electricity and therms or cubic feet (CCF) for natural gas. This data is collected by the utility company to calculate your monthly usage.
  • Tiered Pricing
    This pricing model raises the cost of energy consumption each time you exceed a specific threshold of usage within a defined period. For instance, an electric rate might increase every time you consume an additional 250 kWh.
  • Time of Use
    Often referred to as peak hours, some energy plans impose higher charges for energy consumed during busy periods throughout the day.

Step 2: Select a Fixed or Variable Rate

Fixed Rate VS Variable Rate

Your first decision involves choosing between two types of rates: fixed-rate and variable-rate. The choice of electric company rates often hinges on your comfort level with fluctuating energy prices and the climate of your area. Here’s a breakdown of the two options:

Fixed-rate Plan

Both homeowners and businesses pay a consistent rate for each billing cycle throughout the duration of the contract. Since energy prices can vary with demand, those in regions with seasonal temperature variations often seek fixed-rate plans. This option is particularly beneficial for budget-conscious consumers who prefer a stable monthly bill.

Variable-rate Plan

With this plan, costs change monthly in response to shifts in the energy market. If you keep a close eye on market prices, can handle the calculations to ensure you’re getting the best deal, and appreciate the flexibility of frequently switching energy suppliers, this plan may suit you well.

Step 3: Understand the Distinction Between Short-Term and Long-Term Plans

In addition to comparing fixed-rate and variable-rate plans, it’s essential to evaluate the duration of your energy plan. This aspect is crucial since the price you pay may vary based on the plan's length. Most suppliers provide both short-term and long-term options.

Short-term Plans

These plans typically last between 4 to 12 months. They are ideal for consumers who prefer to experiment with different plans or frequently seek out better deals. However, the downside is that when the contract ends, there might not be a more favorable rate available to switch to.

Long-term Plans

Generally spanning 18 months or more, these plans offer consumers a longer timeframe of predictable energy costs. Despite seasonal price fluctuations, long-term rates are assured to remain stable throughout the duration of the contract.

Step 4: Look for Incentives When Changing Electric Plans

Be sure to check if the energy provider has any appealing incentives for switching. These incentives might include a satisfaction guarantee, often featuring a "trial" period to ensure you're happy with the supplier, as well as loyalty rewards for remaining with the provider after your contract ends.

Step 5: Select the Electric Supplier That Fits Your Needs

With Energy Choice, you’re not just choosing a new plan; you’re also selecting a new energy supplier. Take the time to research each company and see if their values align with yours. Consider the following:

Check if the energy supplier is licensed in your state

You might come across enticing rates, only to find that the provider doesn’t offer them in your area. Energy suppliers must be licensed by each state’s public utility commission to operate there.

Assess their customer interactions

Is the supplier quick to respond to customer concerns? How easy is it to reach them? You can gauge their responsiveness by contacting them before making the switch.

Look for cancellation fees

Does the supplier charge an early termination fee? This could be an important factor when you evaluate your energy options in the future.

Step 6: Transitioning to Your New Energy Supplier

Shopping electric suppliers

After selecting the ideal energy supplier and a suitable electricity plan, switching to the new provider is straightforward. Your new supplier will handle the entire transition with your utility company.

The transfer from your current supplier to the new one may take as long as 45 days, depending on your utility provider. Be sure to review your electricity bills to confirm that your new supplier is now active.

What changes will you notice on your bill?

energy choice ohio

The only noticeable change will be the name of your supplier and the energy rate listed on your utility bill. Everything else should remain smooth and uninterrupted. Your utility company will stay the same, continuing to provide service for electrical and natural gas equipment, along with the delivery of your energy and billing for those services.

Now that you understand how easy it is to select the right energy plan and switch suppliers, you can assess your current rate and compare it with electric rates from various providers. Would a fixed-rate plan be more suitable for your needs? Or are you interested in a clean energy supplier? Start your search here at APG&E

APG&E is a premier energy supplier in Ohio that offers flexible and affordable electric plans for customers. 


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