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You'll find all kinds of content to help you save on your bill!

From energy-saving tips and recipes to home maintenance advice, weather preparedness, and even topics for your family, we provide the resources you need to be in control of your energy consumption. No which supplier you are with, each of our posts is designed to help you understand how energy works, how to use energy efficiently, and how to make smart decisions related to energy usage. After all,  consumption strategies are an easy way to save!

Our mission is to help you become an energy expert!

Popular Energy Blog Posts

For Customers

Hidden Energy Wasters in Your Home

Uncover the hidden energy wasters in your home that could be driving up your electricity bill. Learn practical ways to cut waste and save money.

For Customers

Setting Up Smart Devices for Energy Efficiency

Discover how to use smart devices like thermostats, lighting, and outdoor controls to save energy, enhance convenience, and improve efficiency in...

For Customers

Do Energy-Saving Devices Really Work?

Wondering if energy-saving devices like smart thermostats and LED light bulbs really work? Discover how these devices can lower your electricity bill...

For Customers

Stay Safe and Keep Your Pets Cozy this season

Learn essential space heater and fireplace safety tips along with pet grooming advice for winter. Stay safe and energy-efficient while keeping your...

For Customers

Energy-Saving Tips for the Season Change

Discover energy-saving tips for the fall and winter seasons. Learn how to prepare your heating system and cut down on energy costs.

APG&E News

Preparing Your Garden for Severe Summer Storms

Providing essential guidance on preparing your garden for severe summer storms and caring for it afterward. You’ll learn how to protect your garden.

Energy Tips

Energy Saving Tips for Home Renters

Unlock savings and eco-friendly living with our top energy-saving tips for home renters. Transform your space today!


Creating an Allergen-Free Home

Discover new tips to an allergen-free home and breathe easier today. Your allergy-free haven awaits!


Fun Things To Do Outside In Your Backyard

Take a look at some fun things to do outside in your backyard. From building a backyard movie theatre to a fire pit for s' mores we have you covered!

How To

How to Recycle Light Bulbs

Discover the eco-friendly way to dispose of various types of light bulbs! Learn how to recycle incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, and LED bulbs...


Happy Earth Day

5 Great Ways to Help Celebrate Earth Day! Our Planet needs you!

For Customers

Energy Saving LED Light Bulbs For Your Home

LED light bulbs to help save on home energy costs. The low power consumption, high reliability, and long lifespan of LEDs allow for energy savings!

Energy Tips

Help Save Our Planet

This Earth Day remember the planet and your impact on it. Space travel is back but Earth is our home so let's help take care of her!

Home Improvement

Helpful Household Tips

Have you ever found yourself with a stubborn red wine stain or a kitchen overrun with fruit flies? Try a few of our household tips.

Energy Tips

April Fools Day

April Fool's Day is just around the corner but we are not up to any tricks around here! Try a few of our sure-fire tips to help you reduce your...


Spring Break Fun

Inflation, high gas prices, we are all feeling the pinch. Find ways to enjoy Spring Break that won't break the bank!

Energy Tips

7 Tips and Tricks to Lower Your Energy Bill

Don't leave your energy savings to luck. Check out APG&E's list of 7 tips and tricks on how to save on your energy bill. Maximize your savings today!


Energy-Efficient Valentine's Date Ideas

Energy-efficient and Romantic valentine's day date ideas such as dinners, recycled paper valentine's cards, president's day appliance sale.

Energy Tips

Energy Savings During The Big Game

We have some easy tips for how to save energy while you are cheering on your favorite team (or watching the commercials).


More Than A Groundhog

Will we have 6 more weeks of winter or an early spring? Maybe it is best to leave the predictions up to the animals!

Energy Tips

Energy Audit

Whether professional or DIY, a thorough Energy Audit of your Home will reap you savings!


Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas

Check out our list of stocking stuffers that can help you save money on your energy bill.

For Customers

Get Your Home Ready For Fall

APG&E Fall home maintenance checklist with tips to get your home ready for the Fall season.

Energy Tips

Stop Doing These 5 Things

5 easy things to stop doing that will help you start saving money on your electric bill.

For Customers

World Cleanup Day

World Cleanup Day is almost here and we have some great ideas on how you can celebrate.

Green Energy

All About Solar 2

Part 2 in our Solar Energy series. Find out even more about solar energy and how it works.

Exec Insights

All About Solar Energy Part 1

We sat down with our CEO, Jay Harpole, to better understand what is solar energy and what we should be considering. Read on for what we found out!

Energy Tips

Saving With A Smart Thermostat

What exactly is a smart thermostat and can you save money on your electricity by using one? We investigate, so you don't have to!

Summer Heat

Survive the Summer Heat

Summer has arrived in full force! We have some tips to help you beat the heat and stay cool all summer long!

Energy Tips

Save On Your Air Conditioner

Your Air Conditioner is one of your biggest consumers of power! Check out our ideas to help you save.

Energy Tips

Save Energy On Your Pool

Your pool could be consuming more energy than you think. Check out these 8 tips on how to get your pool electricity cost and usage back on track.

Energy Tips

Programming Your Thermostat

Save 10% on heating & cooling each year by programming the thermostat 7-10 degrees from its normal setting for 8 hours a day. Save energy with these...

For Customers

Protect Yourself From Rising Energy Prices

Groceries, gas, everything seems to be increasing in cost including the the price of electricity. Be sure to sign up for a fixed rate soon, summer is...


Ultimate Eco-Friendly Camping Trip Guide

The Ultimate Guide to an Eco-Friendly Camping Trip. Green tips to make the most of your outdoor experience and leave behind a healthy environment!


How To Prepare For A Hurricane

Hurricane season is here and has the potential to be an active one. Wherever you live, it is a good idea to plan now for how you will weather a storm!

Energy Tips

Reduce Your Electric Bill While On Vacation

APG&E has found some tips for reducing your energy while you are on vacation. Making a few tweaks before you hit the road can lead to big savings!


Garbage or Treasures?

Take another look at your garbage, it doesn't have to be the end! Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Spruce Up Your Home Sustainably this Spring

Spring is in the air and we are ready to get our homes ready as well! Why not ensure that your home is spruced up the sustainable way! APG&E shows...


Get Your Home Ready For Spring

13 simple spring cleaning ideas. Keep your home happy and healthy during the springtime with these DIY tips and tricks from APG&E.


Energy Efficient Landscaping

The right landscaping can give your home more than just great curb appeal, it can also help with energy efficiency. Take a look at what we learned.


Mardi Gras

Let the good times roll! Take a look at our family friendly activities for Mardi Gras!

For Customers

Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas- APG&E

Unique Valentines Day gifts for him and her. APG&E has a list of gifts that'll make your boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, & friends feel loved

Energy Tips

Free Nights and Weekends?

Free nights and weekends electricity Myths can make everything a bit confusing. Find out if you are really saving on your energy costs each month.

For Customers

What To Do With Old Appliances In Your Home

What to do with old appliances. Check out our list of ways to get rid of your old appliances. You may even be able to earn extra cash for your...


Thanksgiving Green Stuff

Every family has their traditions, ours has the green stuff. No one can remember the real name but we have it at every celebration, especially...

Energy Tips

Savings Tips for Parents

A new baby means new routines and new patterns of energy usage. Your bills don't have to spike though! Take a look and try our savings tips for...

How To

Battery Backups

Most of us are familiar with using surge protectors to safeguard our expensive and critical electronics. Do you also have a battery backup solution?


Memorial Day

If you are looking for ways to celebrate Memorial Day with activities for the whole family, consider trying a few of the ideas that we found.

Energy Tips

Tips for Summer Savings

Summer temps are on the rise but that doesn't mean your energy bill has too! Check out our tips for summer savings!


Thank A Lineman!

April 18th is National Lineman Appreciation Day. Be sure to thank a lineman!

Energy Tips

How Weather Affects Your Bill

Though spring is starting to appear, recent weather could impact your electricity bill. Learn the impacts of weather and how to reduce your usage.


Thanksgiving Savings

Try some of our savings tips to help keep your electricity bill in check on Turkey Day and throughout the year.


What we are reading...

October is National Book month and APG&E is participating. See what we are reading now as well as our favorites!


Workspaces For Kids

Check out our tips and tricks for designing a simple learning workspace for your kids.

For Customers

10 Best Electric Heaters for This Winter

Find the best electric heaters for your home. Tested by experts, learn which electric heater is right for you to keep your home warm this winter.

Industry News

When The City That Never Sleeps Went Dark

NYC blackout, New York City Power Outage, Con Ed outage, new york city blackout, cause of new yorks massive blackout, massive NYC blackout,

For Customers

The Best Smart Plugs for Your Home

smart plugs, the best smart plugs, home smart plugs, best reviews, smart socket outlet, mini smart plug, wifi smart plugs


How To Host a Green Cookout

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Activities To Do With The Kids This Summer

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Summer Tips for Your Yard or Patio

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How To Take Advantage Of Summer Savings

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2018 In Retrospect

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Winter Storm Safety Tips

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10 Ways to Save on Electric Bill

Save money on electric bills with these hacks. Cut costs on energy & power bills with these tips. APGE the best electricity service provider

APG&E News

Who is APG&E

AP Gas & Electric, privately held energy provider, affordable energy, affordable power, electric providers, electric choice, retail electric...

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How to Avoid Utility Scams

Avoid utility scams in people impersonating electric companies in Houston, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, and New York. Scammers will not...

Industry News

APG&E and EDF Renew Energy Service Agreement

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